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Showing 303 items for OEF in the Media
Mayo 15, 2017

DRC at Greatest Risk In Years

Previously isolated local conflicts in the Democratic Republic of Congo are appearing in new regions of the country. This is particularly dangerous in the context of the country’s ongoing political crisis, creating the potential for local conflicts to take on national level narratives and scope.
Mayo 01, 2017

OEF Releases 2016 Annual Report

In 2016, OEF remained committed to coordinating with the private sector, civil society, and local and national governments in order to design programs that fit within the context and challenges of the communities in which we serve.
Abril 23, 2017

What Does the State of Global Democracy Mean for Africa?

In the aftermath of the recent global recession, populism, protectionism and corruption are on the rise globally. A series of populist electoral and referenda victories have swept the world, most recently in Turkey. What does this seeming retreat of democracy mean for Africa?