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Showing 303 items for OEF in the Media
Agosto 03, 2016

Connecting with the US Department of State’s Safe Ocean Network

The State Department hosted a meeting on June 29-30, 2016 to further international engagement on its Safe Ocean Network (formerly known as the Sea Scout initiative) and to discuss pilot projects. Select pilot projects were announced at the 3rd Our Ocean conference hosted by Secretary of State John K...
Agosto 01, 2016

What is a Coup d’État?

For every successful or attempted coup d’état there are dozens if not hundreds of events that are described as such.
Marzo 15, 2016

Somalia Ratifies Port State Measures Agreement

With this action, Somalia has shown the international community that it is committed to protecting its own marine resources in addition to supporting other nations in the worldwide effort to curb IUU fishing.
Febrero 20, 2016

Somali Renewable Energy Forum 2016

OEF’s Shuraako program hosted the Somali Renewable Energy Forum 2016 in Hargeisa, Somaliland in collaboration with the Somaliland Ministry of Energy on February 20-23, in response to local demand. Participants had the opportunity to network with international industry leaders, attend expert panels a...
Diciembre 21, 2015

The True Impact of War on Development

To determine the true impact of war on sustainable development, we need data. Even limited amounts of good data have provided surprisingly useful policy insights.
Diciembre 10, 2015

In Somalia, Lack of Government Isn't Always Lack of Governance

OEF’s Dr. Conor Seyle in Foreign Affairs: "Absence of government doesn't necessarily mean absence of public goods, or systems that resolve collective needs and issues. In Somalia, Somali society has been able to fill some gaps left by the absence of state institutions."
Noviembre 09, 2015

Global Thinkers Convene to Chart "A Path to Peace"

Is a world without war possible in the 21st century? A foundation focused on empirically-based, forward-looking initiatives aimed at improving systems that prevent armed conflict, today opens its second One Earth Future Forum, which convenes the world’s foremost thought leaders on global security.
Octubre 22, 2015

NSF Grant to Research Lake Victoria Aquaculture Awarded to Sarah Glaser

The CNH program supports research on interactions between humans and the environment, viewing them one as one interconnected system. The grant investigates the dynamic links between the ecology of Lake Victoria in East Africa (a natural system), the economy of its surrounding fisheries (a human syst...