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Showing 303 items for OEF in the Media
Agosto 16, 2019

New ERA Will Support Artisanal Fishing on the Pacific Coast

A new Alternative Rural School (ERA) begins activities in the Mayorquín River basin, El Cacao village, in the municipality of Buenaventura. This region of the Colombian Pacific Coast, strongly affected by the armed conflict, provides most of the fish consumed in the country.
Julio 19, 2019

New Rural Alternative School in Anorí, Antioquia

The new Alternative Rural School in Anorí, Antioquia, will support the productive beekeeping project developed by 28 members of the cooperative of ex-combatants COOMULDESNA and 2 farmers from the nearby community.
Mayo 30, 2019

SFF 2019: Partnerships to Support Somali fisheries

The Somalia Fisheries Forum (SFF 2019) brought together over 300 participants, including fishers, academics, business owners, and policymakers from the Federal Government of Somalia and the Somali regions to advance small-scale fisheries across the country.
Mayo 22, 2019

PASO Colombia at the 2019 Concordia Americas Summit

Jon Bellish, the Chief Operating Officer of One Earth Future, and a delegation from his PASO Colombia and Shared Resources programs, led by their country directors, participated in the 2019 Concordia Americas Summit in Bogotá.