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Sarah M. Glaser
Cullen S. Hendrix
Brittany Franck
Karin Wedig
Les Kaufman
Enero 01, 2019

Armed Conflict and Fisheries in the Lake Victoria Basin

Armed conflict and fisheries in the Lake Victoria basin explores the cycle of violence created through armed conflict, human migration, fishing pressure, and declining fish stocks.
Diciembre 15, 2018

City-Level Governance in Africa Is Key to Human Security

The African continent is expected to account for 80 percent of the projected 4 billion increase in the global population by 2100 and over 80 percent of the increase is expected to take place in cities. In contrast to Europe, Japan, and North America, who are experiencing population growth declines. ...
Diciembre 08, 2018

OEF Announces Innovation in Partnerships Workshop

One Earth Future (OEF) and the International Peace Institute are holding Innovation in Partnerships: Making a Business Case for Peace in New York City. Unlike previous public-private partnership endeavors, this workshop series aims not simply to bring about economic growth, but instead focuses on Su...
Laura C. Burroughs
Diciembre 05, 2018

What's the Catch? Aquaculture and Women's Economic Empowerment

Aquaculture is rapidly increasing in Lake Victoria, but will women be left behind? This brief examines gendered contributions to food security, representation in fisheries activities, and opportunities and barriers facing women in aquaculture.
Diciembre 04, 2018

Making a Business Case for Peace

This workshop series is designed to advance the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals by creating opportunities to do business around the world responsibly and contribute to lasting peace.
Diciembre 01, 2018

Priorities after ISIS: Security and Services Provision

Restoring security in conflict-affected territories is the fundamental first step towards peacebuilding. But, according to Paul Collier, high degrees of military spending are actually counter-productive to achieving peace and are associated with a heightened risk of war renewal.
Sarah M. Glaser
Colleen Devlin
Joshua E. Lambert
Ciera Villegas
Natasia Poinsatte
Noviembre 21, 2018

Fish Wars: The Causes and Consequences of Fisheries Conflict in Tanzania

Fisheries conflicts are on the rise, but we lack the information needed to predict and prevent such conflict. Fish Wars explores the frequency, intensity, and drivers of fisheries conflict in Tanzania during 1990 – 2017.
Noviembre 08, 2018

Leadership Change and Violent State Repression

New leadership has brought a renewed effort to resolve the military dispute between Ethiopia and Eritrea and may help promote an end to Ethiopia’s domestic insurgencies. Could these positive developments also influence violent state repression in Ethiopia as it continues toward democratic reform?
Noviembre 08, 2018

Promoting Girls’ Empowerment to Reach Gender Equality

Women’s participation has been recognized as fundamental for both the full realization of human rights and the possibility of sustainable peace. Yet women’s presence in politics remains low. What can be done to embolden the female youth of today to strive for equality?