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Octubre 10, 2018

Catching Maritime Criminals: A Whole of Government Approach

Based on the Caught Red-Handed workshops, co-chaired by Secure Fisheries and the UNODC, with support from US Naval Forces Africa, this new brief discusses the importance of interagency coordination in combating illegal fishing in the Indian Ocean.
Robert Mazurek
Laura C. Burroughs
Septiembre 24, 2018

Catching Maritime Criminals: A Whole of Government Approach

Based on the Caught Red-Handed workshops, co-chaired by Secure Fisheries and the UNODC, with support from US Naval Forces Africa, this brief discusses the importance of interagency coordination in combating illegal fishing in the Indian Ocean.
Agosto 21, 2018

Does Focusing on Victimhood Perpetuate Conflict?

In creating an international day for victims of terrorism, the UN emphasizes “the important role of victims in countering terrorism and preventing violent extremism.” But what if its emphasis on the word victim deepens conflict and makes peace less likely? The focus should be on agency and empowerme...
Agosto 20, 2018

Violence and Votes: Do Coups Follow Coups?

This is the fourth post in a five-part, weekly series on elections in dictatorships. Visit our CoupCast site for information about our REIGN database and previous commentary on coups d’état.