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Octubre 07, 2021

TEDTalk Tuesday: Gaby Barrios

Gaby Barrios shared in her TED Talk about the importance of gender analysis and why it’s bad business to use gender stereotypes in marketing.
Jon Bellish
Septiembre 14, 2021

Blurring the Lines of Separation; Localizing Ourselves for Peace

The recent presence of military coups covered in the news may lead people to believe that coups are more prevalent in 2021 than they have been in recent years, however, this perception may warrant further questions pertaining to what qualifies an event as a coup, and how loosely should the term be u...
Septiembre 01, 2021

Military Coups in 2021

The recent presence of military coups covered in the news may lead people to believe that coups are more prevalent in 2021 than they have been in recent years, however, this perception may warrant further questions pertaining to what qualifies an event as a coup, and how loosely should the term be u...
Julio 30,2021

The Base of the Mountain

Rural Alternative School of Miranda, Cauca
This is a research of the ERA of Miranda, recognizing its impacts and contributions to the construction of peace and sustainable development in the Colombian countryside.
Julio 09, 2021

Celebrating Diversity & Inclusion

June is Pride Month and in the U.S. we also commemorate “Juneteenth” on June 19th, the marking of the end of slavery in the U.S. Already widely recognized, we applaud the U.S. House of Reps for recently voting overwhelmingly to formalize Juneteenth as a national federal holiday. OEF wants to extend ...
Junio 17, 2021

Peace Field Peers Agree: Evidence-Based Practice Is Key

OEF and Alliance for Peacebuilding released a report last month detailing the findings of a survey of professional peacebuilders on their ideas about evidence-based practice in peacebuilding. The results suggest that despite the debate, the field has a pretty developed understanding of what evidence...