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Showing 1217 items for OEF in the Media
Octubre 28,2021

Daryeel Modern Industry

Daryeel Modern Industry (“DMI”) is a furniture and manufacturing business that designs and produces custom-made wood and metal furniture for hotels, offices, schools, and homes. It was able to procure renewable energy products and other installation materials through a Shuraako-brokered investment. ...
Octubre 20, 2021

Fisheries Management Planning Begins in Bander Beyla and Zeila

Secure Fisheries facilitated meetings with government stakeholders in the regional capitals of Hargeisa and Garowe in August, then in the fishing communities in September and October, respectively. About 62 participants took part in the consultation meeting in Zeila district, while 40 participants a...
Octubre 18,2021

Tawfiiq Sanitation Services

Tawfiiq Sanitation Services (“Tawfiiq”) is a registered and licensed waste collection and disposal company that was granted a public-private partnership agreement with the local municipality to collect waste materials and provide sanitation services to two Hargeisa districts.
Octubre 14,2021

Contributions of the ERAs to Economic Reincorporation and Rural Transformation

Tracking Our Impact
To continue sharing the lessons learned with people and institutions interested in building peace through sustainable rural development in Colombia, in this issue of “Tracking Our Impact” we analyze why Rural Alternative Schools (ERA) are considered by 84% of their participants as a good socioeconom...
Octubre 14,2021

Reincorporación económica y transformación rural

Nuestro impacto en datos
En esta entrega analizamos por qué las Escuelas Rurales Alternativas (ERA) son consideradas por el 84% de sus participantes como una buena alternativa para la reincorporación socioeconómica.
Octubre 07,2021

Al Furqaan Fiberglass Factory

The largest manufacturer of artisanal and commercial-sized fishing boat shells in Somalia. Through a Shuraako-facilitated investment, they were able to have on hand the necessary raw materials to manufacture a stock of approximately 24 to 26 fishing boat body shells
Octubre 05,2021

ERAs as Trust-Building Platforms

Tracking Our Impact
This is the first issue of the series "Tracking Our Impact", based on the results of three consecutive years of surveys among the participants of the Rural Alternative Schools (ERAs). On this occasion, we analyze how collaborative work in the productive projects developed in the ERAs, with its chara...
Octubre 05,2021

Construyendo confianza en las ERA

Nuestro impacto en datos
Esta es la primera entrega de la serie “Nuestro impacto en datos”, basada en los resultados de tres años de encuestas consecutivas entre los participantes de las Escuelas Rurales Alternativas (ERA). En esta ocasión analizamos cómo el trabajo colaborativo en los proyectos productivos desarrollados en...
Octubre 05,2021

Collaborative work as a driver of sustainable rural economies

Tracking Our Impact
Check out the second edition of "Tracking Our Impact", a series of articles based on the results of three years of surveys on PASO Colombia projects. This edition analyzes the results of PASO Colombia's collaborative approach to promote sustainable rural development in some of the territories most a...
Octubre 05,2021

El trabajo colaborativo como dinamizador de economías rurales sostenibles

Nuestro impacto en datos
Conoce la segunda edición de Nuestro impacto en datos, una serie de artículos basados en los resultados de tres años de encuestas sobre los proyectos de PASO Colombia. Esta edición analiza los resultados del enfoque de colaboración de PASO Colombia para promover el desarrollo rural sostenible en alg...