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Showing 783 items for OEF in the Media
Noviembre 03, 2016

Trading Bullets for Ballots

OEF and PASO Colombia’s work to transform conflict in Colombia is featured in this story on the role that communities and negotiators are playing in the peace process.
Noviembre 03, 2016

OEF Continues Peace Efforts in Colombia

Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize on October 7, less than one week after Colombians rejected the peace deal negotiated between the government and FARC rebels, underscoring the complexities involved in winning peace.
Octubre 30, 2016

Discussing Political Inclusion in the DRC

Recent weeks have seen an outburst of protests in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) over continued foot dragging by President Joseph Kabila’s government to schedule planned elections. The events of the last week included police responses resulting in at least 17 fatalities and the deadly torchi...
Octubre 28, 2016

Fisheries Play a Key Role in Somaliland's Economic Growth

In support of sister program Shuraako’s Somaliland Investment Forum, Secure Fisheries facilitated a panel discussion on challenges and long-term solutions for the Somaliland fishing sector. This blog outlines the solutions and viewpoints brought up at the Forum.
Septiembre 23, 2016

Global Commitments Made at Our Ocean Conference

At the Our Ocean conference, the U.S. State Department announced the partnership between Secure Fisheries and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) to create best practices for naval fleets in the collection and dissemination of illegal fishing information.  This collaboration was pic...