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Showing 1214 items for OEF in the Media
Federal Government of Somalia Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources
Puntland Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources
Secure Fisheries
Septiembre 24, 2019

Somali Fisheries Forum 2019 Outcome Report

This report includes highlights from the second Somalia Fisheries Forum, its reception from attendees and media, and key findings and recommendations from each of the sessions.
Septiembre 11,2019

Sugan Style

Through a Shuraako-brokered investment, Sugan was able to expand its women’s clothing line and add a children’s clothing line, increasing the company’s production capacity.
Agosto 16, 2019

New ERA Will Support Artisanal Fishing on the Pacific Coast

A new Alternative Rural School (ERA) begins activities in the Mayorquín River basin, El Cacao village, in the municipality of Buenaventura. This region of the Colombian Pacific Coast, strongly affected by the armed conflict, provides most of the fish consumed in the country.
Agosto 16, 2019

Nueva ERA Apoyará la Pesca Artesanal en la Costa Pacífica

Una nueva Escuela Rural Alternativa (ERA) inicia actividades en la cuenca del Río Mayorquín, vereda El Cacao, del municipio de Buenaventura. Esta región de la Costa Pacífica Colombiana, fuertemente afectada por el conflicto armado, provee la mayoría del pescado que se consume en el país.