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Showing 1217 items for OEF in the Media
Agosto 16, 2019

Nueva ERA Apoyará la Pesca Artesanal en la Costa Pacífica

Una nueva Escuela Rural Alternativa (ERA) inicia actividades en la cuenca del Río Mayorquín, vereda El Cacao, del municipio de Buenaventura. Esta región de la Costa Pacífica Colombiana, fuertemente afectada por el conflicto armado, provee la mayoría del pescado que se consume en el país.
Julio 19, 2019

New Rural Alternative School in Anorí, Antioquia

The new Alternative Rural School in Anorí, Antioquia, will support the productive beekeeping project developed by 28 members of the cooperative of ex-combatants COOMULDESNA and 2 farmers from the nearby community.
Julio 19, 2019

Nueva Escuela Rural Alternativa en Anorí, Antioquia

La nueva Escuela Rural Alternativa en Anorí, Antioquia, apoyará el proyecto productivo apícola desarrollado por 28 integrantes de la cooperativa de excombatientes COOMULDESNA y 2 campesinos de la comunidad cercana.
Junio 28, 2019

West Africa quickly becoming a global piracy hotspot

Just over a week ago, One Earth Future published their annual Stable Seas program report detailing the state of global maritime piracy for the 9th year. Surprising findings include the fact that for the first year the Western Indian Ocean reported no hijackings including Somania, the Gulf of Aden an...
Junio 25, 2019

Rescuing multilateralism

The One Earth Future foundation notes, for example, that: “the African continent will be forced to face negative challenges with negative AI” due to weak governments and social divisions. In this context, European efforts to establish multilateral rules for technology governance may appeal to other ...
Paige M. Roberts
Ahmed-Yasin Osman Moge
Kaija J. Hurlburt
Junio 24, 2019

Project Badweyn: Somali Coastal Development Opportunities

This report provides a targeted, original analysis of Somali fisheries. Development opportunities are analyzed for sustainability and feasibility to provide recommendations for investment in the Somali fisheries sector.