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Showing 783 items for OEF in the Media
Mayo 10, 2021

Evidence for Peacebuilding: New Report Released

OEF and Alliance for Peacebuilding have released a new report analyzing the results of a wide-ranging survey of 207 international peace researchers, peace funders, and peacebuilders about their perspective on the evidence base around the results of international peacebuilding initiatives.
Abril 21, 2021

VRAs: Traffic, Threat, & Response Awareness

The establishment of the new MDAT-GOG reporting "network" in the Gulf of Guinea and the associated changes to UKHO chart Q6114, have raised odd questions about the definitions and purpose of risk and reporting areas associated with maritime piracy. 
Abril 20, 2021

How Do We Get to an Earth Without War?

OEF’s Executive Director and Chief Operating Office, Jon Bellish talks about OEF’s commitment to Relentless Empiricism as core to its belief in and support of iterative problem-solving and careful, analytical design. He discusses how OEF relies on evidence to cut through complexities in order to sol...
Abril 19, 2021

Setting Sail: OEF’s Stable Seas Program Reaches New Milestone

After three years of programmatic incubation, OEF’s Stable Seas program has reached a new milestone. Because of the team’s success demonstrating how accessible information on the relationships between maritime security and on-shore violence can shape the preparedness of government leaders, on May 1s...
Abril 09, 2021

Communication and crowdfunding for Peace

Two reincorporated communities in Mutatá, Antioquia, receive training in the creation of audiovisual pieces for the commercialization of their enterprises. They are now starting their first crowdfunding campaign to build a productive infrastructure that will benefit the region.
Abril 08, 2021

Why Do People Choose to Rebel?

Answering the question of why people rebel is central to understanding civil war. Research shows that civil wars and rebellion are neither driven by ancient hatreds between ethnic groups nor simply by opportunistic greed.
Abril 07, 2021

Is the World Getting More Peaceful?

This blog post briefly reviews the current state of research on armed conflict, discusses the predictors of peace, and addresses the opportunities for OEF, dedicated to fostering sustainable peace.