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Showing 1214 items for OEF in the Media
Mayo 04, 2016

Bulaale Beekeeping

Bulaale Beekeeping is the largest company, within the honey sector, that Shuraako has connected to investors. Bulaale is situated in an ideal environment for beekeeping, in the Gabilay region, due to the abundance of forage. Bulaale is also located close to its main market, Hargeisa, and within prox...
Mayo 04, 2016

Alla Aamin

Alla Aamin is owned by an entrepreneur and managed by a group of professional fishermen. The company has been in operation since 2003 running four small boats and a fish shop in Berbera, Somaliland. Alla Aamin catches fish, fillets them in his shop, and buys fish products from local fishermen.
Mayo 04, 2016

Fishing For Weapons

The Australian Navy confiscated an unlikely fishing haul in February, 2016: 2,000 AK-47s, 100 rocket-propelled grenade launchers, 49 machine guns and spare barrels, and 20 mortar tubes.
Mayo 04, 2016

Fishing for Weapons

In February, the Australian Navy confiscated an unlikely haul from a fishing vessel: a horde of grenade launchers, mortar tubes, and AK 47s.
Marzo 15, 2016

Somalia Ratifies Port State Measures Agreement

With this action, Somalia has shown the international community that it is committed to protecting its own marine resources in addition to supporting other nations in the worldwide effort to curb IUU fishing.
Febrero 20, 2016

Somali Renewable Energy Forum 2016

OEF’s Shuraako program hosted the Somali Renewable Energy Forum 2016 in Hargeisa, Somaliland in collaboration with the Somaliland Ministry of Energy on February 20-23, in response to local demand. Participants had the opportunity to network with international industry leaders, attend expert panels a...
Curtis Bell
Febrero 17, 2016

Coup d’État and Democracy

This article explains coup activity in democracies by adapting insights from the literature on commitment problems and framing coup around the threats leaders and potential coup plotters pose to each other. The author uses several data sets of coup activity and democratic constraints to find signifi...
Febrero 15, 2016

22 Mixed Farm

22 Mixed Farm is situated in Jibgale, a fertile location 22 km east of Garowe. The Farm has been in operation since 1995 and provides the surrounding community with an assortment of fruits, vegetables, and dairy milk.