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Showing 1214 items for OEF in the Media
Lindsay Heger
Enero 15, 2015

Redrawing Our Strategy on Terror

If we allow our reaction to barbarism to be dictated on the fly and by the perpetrators themselves, we condemn the global community to ongoing terror. We need to think differently.
Diciembre 22, 2014

Is the World Falling Apart?

Stories about armed fanatics and lone wolf gunmen fill the headlines and compete for our shocked attention. In an article for Slate, Andrew Mack and Steven Pinker demonstrate that society is not in fact falling apart.
Julio 08, 2014

Has the G20 Moved from Efficiency to Legitimacy?

As part of OEF Research’s lunchtime discussion series based on articles from the journal Global Governance, scholars and practitioners engaged in a lively discussion on a coalition which helped the G20 respond to concerns of non-members.