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September 11, 2016

OEF Nurtures Economic Stability in War-torn Colombia

Sustaining peace in Colombia will rely upon communities building peace with their own hands. The Denver Post spoke with PASO Colombia’s country director, Juan Fernando Lucio, to gain more insight on how One Earth Future is working with local communities to regain hope and end the tragedy of war.
August 16, 2016

"Women At the Crossroads" Event

A recent event hosted by Urgent Action Fund, Global Greengrants Fund, and OEF’s Our Secure Future program on August 16th included discussions about the connections between security, climate change, and women's human rights.
August 01, 2016

What is a Coup d’État?

For every successful or attempted coup d’état there are dozens if not hundreds of events that are described as such.
July 10, 2016

Trying to See the Forest for the Trees Amid Violence in Congo

Though the label reflects how sexual violence has been used as a weapon of war, the label masks women’s powerful activism for peace and political participation in their country, depicting them solely as victims rather than agents of change. It also obscures their varying priorities for security, and...