Thank you for your interest in One Earth Future and its portfolio of peacebuilding programs.
Media Inquiries
For media inquiries regarding One Earth Future Foundation and its programs or initiatives, please contact Communications.
Loan Inquiries
For loan inquiries, please contact Shuraako.
Whistleblowing Mechanism: How to File a Concern
Reports can be raised through several channels, including:
• Anonymous Whistleblowing Hotline operated via 3rd Party EthicsPoint (web-based submission or phone-based submission):
o Web:
o US: 888-448-4716
o Kenya: Dial 0-207-602-020, then dial 888-448-4716
o Somalia: Reverse Charge / Collect Calls 980-284-3541
• File a report using the Navex Policytech compliance hub:
o Web-based link:
Other Inquiries
For all other inquiries, please fill out the form below and click the "Send Message" button. For program or department specific inquiries, please select a program or department from the Program/Department dropdown menu.