Conflict Risk Modeling

Conflict Risk Modeling and Analysis

Conflict Risk Modeling and Analysis

Programs & Projects
Peacebuilding Area
National Radio of Colombia
September 06, 2023

Flor Alba Quevedo, a Story Beyond Coca Farming

Learn about the story of Flor Quevedo, a participant in the Guaviare Peace Network, who, by marketing agricultural products from families that have moved away from growing coca, is working to strengthen family ties and rural economies.
Saddam M. Ahmed - Communications and Visibility Specialist
Hibo Awil - Program Coordinator
August 01, 2023

Empowering Coastal Communities

Secure Fisheries Leads Workshop to Implement Spiny Lobster Management Measures
Juan Fernando Lucio
June 21,2023

A Different Approach to the Reincorporation of Ex-Combatants

The Case of PASO Colombia
Juan Fernando Lucio, director of PASO, published an article in IntechOpen with his reflections on the reincorporation perspective adopted in the Havana Agreement (2016), and introduces the model developed by PASO to enhance collective economic reincorporation. Lucio offers lessons learned that could...
Aydin Shahidi
April 24, 2023

Sensemaking as a Tool for Deepening Organizational Learning

Leveraging the power of collective sensemaking can amplify the impact of learning efforts and help organizations practice adaptive management more effectively. This, in turn, enables organizations to proactively manage risks and seize emerging opportunities for scaling impact.