OEF News

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Victor Odundo Owuor
Dianna E. Almanza
June 05, 2019

Unpacking Social Media Use in Stabilization Efforts

The growing discomfort with how large social media platforms can be a tool for fueling real-world violence and empowering autocratic behavior often masks an equally important narrative: social media can be a source of good, especially in fragile states. This fact sheet - a continuation of the OEFR s...
May 30, 2019

SFF 2019: Partnerships to Support Somali fisheries

The Somalia Fisheries Forum (SFF 2019) brought together over 300 participants, including fishers, academics, business owners, and policymakers from the Federal Government of Somalia and the Somali regions to advance small-scale fisheries across the country.
May 23, 2019

Five Ways Terrorists Use the Maritime Domain

The fight against terrorism and criminal networks tends to focus on efforts on land, ignoring the role of the maritime domain. This results in a collective blind spot regarding complex problems like modern-day piracy, non-state terrorism, and transnational criminality.
May 22, 2019

Trust and Justice In Burundi

Hopes for peace in Burundi have been stymied as mediation talks have once again been postponed. If the government had implemented transitional justice mechanisms from an earlier peace and reconciliation agreement, would peace have had a better chance?
May 22, 2019

PASO Colombia at the 2019 Concordia Americas Summit

Jon Bellish, the Chief Operating Officer of One Earth Future, and a delegation from his PASO Colombia and Shared Resources programs, led by their country directors, participated in the 2019 Concordia Americas Summit in Bogotá.
Jay Benson
Matthew Frank
Clayton Besaw
Jonathan Powell
Eric Keels
April 26, 2019

Annual Risk of Coup Report - 2019

The goals of this first ever Annual Risk of Coup Report are two-fold. First, it provides an in-depth global and regional look at the likelihood of coup events for 2019 based on a combination of quantitative forecasting and qualitative analysis of specific coup-prone states.
April 26, 2019

Annual Risk of Coup Report - 2019

What are the likelihoods for coup events in 2019? The first ever Annual Risk of Coup Report explores by providing an in-depth global and regional look, using a combination of quantitative forecasting and qualitative analysis in order to provide a different kind of tool-kit for forecasting future cou...
April 23, 2019

How to predict a coup

CoupCast finds that economic misery is linked to higher coup risk, as is extreme weather. But political factors matter more.
April 20, 2019

How to predict when a despot will fall

Perhaps the most rigorous quantitative forecast of political upheaval comes from One Earth Future (oef), an ngo based in Colorado that publishes a predictive model, CoupCast.
April 08, 2019

Nigeria: Obangame Express - Protecting the Gulf of Guinea

On Wednesday, handling the panel on ’Regional threat assessment’ were Dr. Bell of Stable Seas; Mr. Sernia of UNODC and Ms. Kirillas of Interpol. The next panel was on 'commercial shipping operations in the GoG and this was handled by Mr. Large of BIMCO; Mr. Gibson of Shell-OCIMF; Captain Escarras an...