April 05, 2022

A New Partner for the Voices from the Territory

PASO Colombia joins Voices from the Territory, a project in which we will work alongside communities in 40 PDET municipalities to collaboratively formulate communication projects on their peace-building experiences, using diverse expressions of art, media, and culture.
March 24, 2022

Collaborative Living: Peace as a Horizon

In the event "Peace in Theory and Practice: A Discussion on Peace Systems", the researcher Douglas Fry and the director of PASO Colombia, Juan Fernando Lucio, joined in a conversation about their theories of peacebuilding and the practical experience in the Colombian context.
December 13, 2021

Decent work for reincorporation in Colombia

In Caracol Radio's "En Familia" program, Judith Sarmiento spoke with Juan Fernando Lucio, director of PASO Colombia, and María Paz, a member of the La Montaña - Voluntad de Paz brand, about decent work and economic development for reincorporation In colombia.
November 07, 2021

#FeedPeace in Rural Colombia

Join the campaign #FeedPeace to support a community of ex-combatants and campesinos with their dream of peace in Rural Colombia.
September 13, 2021

Overcoming War to Build Communities of Mutual Support

Farmers, ex-combatants, indigenous communities and representatives of non-governmental organizations met to share experiences about these four years of work in PASO Colombia's Rural Alternative School (ERA) of Miranda, during the visit of Jon Bellish, Executive Director and COO of One Earth Future -...
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