April 09, 2021

Communication and crowdfunding for Peace

Two reincorporated communities in Mutatá, Antioquia, receive training in the creation of audiovisual pieces for the commercialization of their enterprises. They are now starting their first crowdfunding campaign to build a productive infrastructure that will benefit the region.
December 15, 2020

Open call – Alternative Rural School of Communication in Mutatá

The new Alternative Rural School of Communication in Mutatá, Antioquia, opens a call for people who are currently developing a productive project in the COOFORTUNA, COOEMPRENDER cooperatives, or who belong to the community of San José de León. Registration open until December 31, 2020.
July 30,2021

The Base of the Mountain

Rural Alternative School of Miranda, Cauca
This is a research of the ERA of Miranda, recognizing its impacts and contributions to the construction of peace and sustainable development in the Colombian countryside.
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