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Showing 1216 items for OEF in the Media
Junio 17, 2020

Juan Fernando Lucio in Television Debates

Juan Fernando Lucio, director of PASO Colombia, participated in Television Debates, a program of Univalle University Channel. He talked about the work carried out by PASO in peacebuilding and the sustainable development of the Colombian countryside.
Junio 08,2020

Horn of Africa Fishing Company

The largest seafood processing and cold storage company located in Bosaso, Puntland. Through a Shuraako-facilitated investment, HAFCO was able to hire additional workers and purchase a fish mincing machine, fish skin remover, fish burger machine and more.
Junio 08, 2020

World Ocean Day 2020 | A Somali Perspective

The theme of World Oceans Day 2020 is #ProtectOurHome. What does that mean in the Somali region? Students of marine science participating in the fisheries catch data collection project, Project Kalluun, are ocean stewards and leaders in conservation.
Junio 01, 2020

Recommendations for Implementing the Global Fragility Act

Today’s violent conflicts are much more complex and protracted, and traditional development assistance and diplomacy have not kept pace. The status quo is not working. The challenges facing peacebuilding at this moment are significant, complex, and interconnected. They require new ways of working to...