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Showing 1214 items for OEF in the Media
Agosto 01, 2018

New Fund Launched for Somali Startups

The fund has been launched by investment firm Norfund, One Earth Future’s Shuraako initiative and Danish development finance institution IFU, and aims to help Somali entrepreneurs build sustainable businesses, contribute to their country’s economy and tax base, and create a significant number of job...
Julio 30, 2018

Investing in Sustainable Fisheries in Somali Waters

If yellowfin tuna are unsustainably fished, which tunas are sustainably-fished in Somali waters and what makes them unique? What role do sharks play in the Somali coastal marine ecosystem? And why are anchovies, herrings, and sardines more sustainable alternatives? Find out more in our Story Map abo...
Julio 17, 2018

217 Nuevos Estudiantes En Las ERAs

Las clases de las nuevas ERAs en Dabeiba, Mutatá e Ituango en Antioquia comenzaron con el módulo de identificación de suelos y subsistemas productivos.
Julio 01, 2018

New Report on Somali Coastal Resources Development Opportunities

Interest in the Somali fishing sector is growing. Development agencies, donors, and investors see the potential for fisheries in Somali waters to provide income, food security, and stability in coastal communities. But reliable and up-to-date information about the state of Somali fisheries is diffic...