Nueva Escuela Rural Alternativa en Anorí, Antioquia

La nueva Escuela Rural Alternativa en Anorí, Antioquia, apoyará el proyecto productivo apícola desarrollado por 28 integrantes de la cooperativa de excombatientes COOMULDESNA y 2 campesinos de la comunidad cercana.

The new Alternative Rural School in Anorí, Antioquia, will support the productive beekeeping project developed by 28 members of the cooperative of ex-combatants COOMULDESNA and 2 farmers from the nearby community.

The ERA will provide training in beekeeping activities, genetic material and tools for the installation of the learning hive. This project will be developed on the farm La Viborita, which covers 200 hectares, where about 70% corresponds to native forest. This is one of the regions with the greatest biodiversity in the country, home to the “Arrierito antioqueño” bird species and other unique species in the area. The beekeeping project will contribute to the conservation of this ecosystem and bees, which are an endangered species.

With the accompaniment of the ERA, the beekeeping project will be formulated and sent to the National Reincorporation Council (CNR). According to Decree 899 of 2017, if the project is approved by the CNR, each ex-combatant associated with the proposal will be able to obtain USD $2.500 for its implementation.