ERAs Test New Construction Technologies

ERAs Test New Construction Technologies

Thanks to the alliance between Paso Colombia and Bay-Build , the installation of a pilot building was completed at the Alternative Rural School in Miranda, Cauca. It is a technological innovation that allows a galvanized steel structure to be erected in less than a day, with high engineering and earthquake resistance standards. As Stephen Gardner, founder of Bay-Build , explains: "This construction system allows the creation of strong structures that will later be integrated with local technologies such as guadua or brick."

The Bay-Build organization has a certified construction system that offers housing and infrastructure solutions for areas that require humanitarian aid or where development initiatives are being carried out. With this new alliance, this technology will be used to build agricultural infrastructures that will contribute to the development of projects developed in the Alternative Rural Schools (ERA).

The goal is to establish 40 buildings in different areas throughout Colombia. The final use and design of these constructions will be decided according to the needs of the final beneficiaries and the local resources available in each space. The use of local materials and suppliers reduces construction costs and times and generates income in the beneficiary communities.