OEF Transitions Leadership to Enable Continued Growth

As One Earth Future looks to the end of 2018, it has begun to implement a leadership transition that will enable it to continue the growth and progress it has made over the last two years. Larry Sampler, formerly the President of OEF has transitioned to the role of Senior Fellow and Jon Bellish is now Acting Chief Operating Officer.

Broomfield, Colorado: 27 November 2018 – As One Earth Future looks to the end of 2018, it has begun to implement a leadership transition that will enable it to continue the growth and progress it has made over the last two years. Larry Sampler, formerly the President of OEF has transitioned to the role of Senior Fellow and Jon Bellish is now Acting Chief Operating Officer. An active search is underway to look for a permanent COO and OEF’s founder, Marcel Arsenault, will continue to lead the organization as Chairman.

“OEF was fortunate to have a president who is so widely-recognized, accomplished, and respected as a leader in the field of international development,” said Arsenault. “I am pleased that Larry will continue to be involved in the work of OEF and over the last few years has strengthened the organizational culture that will have a positive lasting impact.”

While a search is ongoing for a new COO, program directors will continue to maintain day-to-day management of programs. OEF remains committed to its mission, its partners, and to the work of pursuing peace through empowered and emboldened networks.

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