AADCO Paper Factory: Entrepreneurial Innovation in the Somali Business Sector

Somali businesses like AADCO Paper Factory are working hard - and making great strides - toward securing a place on the international market where they can be competitive and bring new, innovative ideas to the private sector.

Somali businesses are working hard - and making great strides - toward securing a place on the international market where they can be competitive and bring new, innovative ideas to the private sector.

AADCO Paper Factory currently serves as the only paper manufacturing company in Somalia and Somaliland. In addition to selling a range of paper products including student notebooks and copier paper, AADCO recently began the first recycling initiative of its kind in Somaliland by utilizing wastepaper to produce and sell egg trays to poultry companies who were formerly forced to import them from Dubai.

Read more about AADCO Paper Factory and its innovative entrepreneurial approach.