Dubur Farm

Founded in 2012, Dubur Farm (“Dubur”) produces chili and bell peppers on approximately 0.125 hectare of the farm’s 13.0 hectares of land for wholesale customers in Burao and Sheikh. The farm also supplies water on a limited basis from its well to select customers in Sheikh. Dubur began selling chili and bell peppers to major wholesalers in 2012 to address a local need and demand for wider seasonal availability of locally grown produce. In addition, Dubur began providing water to the residents of Sheikh in 2014 to address a dire shortage of clean drinking water. The company’s well offers the only source of consistent spring water in the area, as the farm is situated on a geological fault that enables it to source fresh spring water from the Sheikh mountain range, which is 15 km from the farm.

Due to growing demand for its products, Dubur aimed to scale chili and bell pepper farming operations from 0.125 to 8.0 hectares by constructing a solar water pump, drip irrigation system, and fence. Through a Shuraako-facilitated investment, the farm was able to secure the funds necessary to support its planned production expansion, including the purchase of high-yield, pest-resistant pepper seed varieties. The investment has lowered Dubur’s daily fuel operating costs and decreased pollution by replacing a diesel generator with a solar water pump, and increased pepper yields 30–50 percent as a result of the new drip irrigation system.


Enterprise Size: Small
Year Founded: 2012
Project Sector: Agribusiness, Women's Initiative