Kaah Beekeeping

Kaah Beekeeping (“Kaah”) was established in 2012 in the Horo Hadley village near Hargeisa, Somaliland. In addition to its beekeeping operations, Kaah Farm harvests and distributes various fruits and vegetables. Kaah Beekeeping is a member of the local Horoweyn Farmers’ Cooperative and the regional Barwaaqo Farmers’ Cooperative.  Kaah came to Shuraako seeking additional funding to expand its beekeeping activities.    

Kaah secured a Shuraako-facilitated loan, which allowed the farm to increase its production capacity and diversify its product offerings to include bee wax, pollen, and royal jelly. The loan has enabled Kaah to expand its production fourfold, diversify local production of honey by-products, and create four new jobs for the local community.


Enterprise Size: Small
Year Founded: 2013
Project Sector: Beekeeping
Employees: 7