Qaran Hospital

Founded in 2012, Qaran Hospital (“Qaran”) is the largest private hospital offering high-quality healthcare in the Nugaal region of Puntland, Somalia. Through its services, Qaran has filled a significant gap in the Somali healthcare sector—undersupplied and poor quality healthcare coupled with high demand. On average, the company provides medical care to 600 -1,500 patients per month, serving more during peak times of the year. Since its launch in 2012, demand has outpaced the hospital’s capacity. Current demand is so high that doctors either place patients in any available space, such as hallways or waiting areas, or face the difficult decision of choosing between patients due to space limitations.

To capitalize on the unmet healthcare demand throughout the Nugaal region, in 2018 Qaran secured a Shuraako-brokered investment through the Nordic Horn of Africa Opportunities Fund to build an additional facility less than 1 km from its current location. The investment allowed Qaran to intake up to an additional 1,500 patients monthly, helping the company to accommodate the increasing number of patients and introduce other services that were not provided in the past, such as orthopedics, pediatrics, and intensive care.


Enterprise Size: Small
Year Founded: 2012
Project Sector: Healthcare