Ubaale Poultry

Ubaale Poultry Farm “Ubaale” is a poultry business that specializes in the production and sale of high quality eggs.  Launched in 2000, Ubaale is located outside of Hargeisa within easy access to markets, hotels and restaurants.  The farm combines both caged and free range techniques to house their layers, and takes specific measures to prevent the introduction and spread of disease-causing organisms.  Prior to investment, production of eggs was constrained by the farm’s inability to store additional hens due to limited storage capacity.

To promote further growth, Ubaale Poultry secured funding with the assistance of Shuraako and constructed additional flock houses for free range farming. The investment also enabled the farm to procure 4,000 additional chicks.  The expansion doubled the farm’s production of eggs from 8 to 16 cartons and increased meat sales in local markets.


Enterprise Size: Small
Year Founded: 2000
Project Sector: Agribusiness
Employees: 10