Opinion & Insights

Programs & Projects
Peacebuilding Area
May 06, 2024

The Applications of AI and Machine Learning in Fisheries Management

Artificial intelligence—specifically, machine learning—is beginning to play a significant role in fisheries management for capturing a proliferation of data, analyzing data, and conducting advanced computations, as well as processing natural language, recognizing patterns, and making predictive anal...
Saddam M. Ahmed - Communications and Visibility Specialist
August 24, 2023

Reviving Hope Through Skill: A Tale of Community Transformation

In the heart of the Bulahar fishing community, a transformation was underway, fueled by the determination of individuals like Khalid Hassan. Khalid's journey from a community member to a skilled mechanic unfolded, marking a turning point for his community and their relationship with the sea.
Aydin Shahidi
April 24, 2023

Sensemaking as a Tool for Deepening Organizational Learning

Leveraging the power of collective sensemaking can amplify the impact of learning efforts and help organizations practice adaptive management more effectively. This, in turn, enables organizations to proactively manage risks and seize emerging opportunities for scaling impact.
Aydin Shahidi
November 18, 2022

Leveraging A Learning Approach to Address Complex Problems More Effectively

Throughout OEF’s journey, we have learned a few organizational heuristics that are key for embracing the characteristics of complexity while maintaining operational effectiveness and maximizing the opportunity for impact. We believe that one of the core competencies organizations can leverage in suc...
November 14, 2022

Breaking Through Impossible Conflict with the BB3 Workshop

For the past 5 years, xNI has been working with William Ury, co-founder of Harvard’s Program on Negotiation and best-selling co-author of Getting to YES to distill 45+ years of experience working in difficult conflict around the world into a proven method and mindset that works to transform seemingl...
September 02, 2022

"Combatting the Psychology of Bias:" OEF's Conor Seyle in SSIR

How can social impact organizations do a better job of creating environments that encourage risk reduction behavior in ways that authentically meet our social needs? OEF's Conor Seyle explores how our brains undermine long-term thinking, and what social impact organizations can do about it in thi...