Research reports and analysis

Programs & Projects
Peacebuilding Area
May 06, 2024

Project Kalluun Catch Composition Data

The data here was collected from December 2022 to February 2023 and the graphs include the different types and amounts of fish that were caught over a 3-month period in Mogadishu, Bosaso and Kismayo.
April 15, 2024

Outcome Report of the Africa Regional Dialogue 2024

The Summit of the Future, The Africa We Want and the United Nations We Need
This report encapsulates the collective wisdom, aspirations, and commitments forged during our time together, as we embarked on a journey to envisioning a brighter future for Africa within the framework of a reinvigorated United Nations and closer collaboration with the African Union and eight assoc...
Juan Fernando Lucio
June 21,2023

A Different Approach to the Reincorporation of Ex-Combatants

The Case of PASO Colombia
Juan Fernando Lucio, director of PASO, published an article in IntechOpen with his reflections on the reincorporation perspective adopted in the Havana Agreement (2016), and introduces the model developed by PASO to enhance collective economic reincorporation. Lucio offers lessons learned that could...
Dr. Conor Seyle
Roberto Chavarria
July 12, 2022

Incubating Peace

One Earth Future’s approach to incubating and scaling programs for sustainable peace
This brief introduces our strategy and plans with the goal of sharing strategic learnings. We hope that it will also spur reflection and discussion of our plans and best practices in the field. It explores One Earth Future’s thinking in considerable depth, describes our approach to planning, scoping...