Peace Negotiation

Programs & Projects
Peacebuilding Area
April 15, 2024

Outcome Report of the Africa Regional Dialogue 2024

The Summit of the Future, The Africa We Want and the United Nations We Need
This report encapsulates the collective wisdom, aspirations, and commitments forged during our time together, as we embarked on a journey to envisioning a brighter future for Africa within the framework of a reinvigorated United Nations and closer collaboration with the African Union and eight assoc...
Robert Sokol
October 20, 2022

Learning How to Transform our Conflicts

No Bigger Challenge, No Bigger Opportunity 
So says Rob Sokol, the new Managing Director of OEF’s eXperimental Negotiation Initiative (xNI). Learn about Rob’s journey to OEF and the vision he is pursuing with William Ury to awaken our innate capacity to transform conflict into creative negotiation.
October 18, 2022

Founding the eXperimental Negotiation Initiative: An OEF Incubation Story

In 2017, as the conflict between the US and North Korea was escalating, the founder of OEF, Marcel Arsenault, partnered with Harvard’s co-founder of the Program for Negotiation, William Ury, to see if there was any way to interrupt the path to the growing potential of a nuclear exchange.
September 02, 2022

"Combatting the Psychology of Bias:" OEF's Conor Seyle in SSIR

How can social impact organizations do a better job of creating environments that encourage risk reduction behavior in ways that authentically meet our social needs? OEF's Conor Seyle explores how our brains undermine long-term thinking, and what social impact organizations can do about it in thi...
February 18, 2022

OEF's Approach to Incubation

Our core organizational strategy and values require us to take seriously the idea that our goal is to catalyze systems that are sustainable, that are scalable and—most importantly—that actually address problems underlying conflict. So we’ve developed a theory of incubation, based on iteration and sc...
February 16, 2022

Unstuck: Getting to Peace in Colombia

In 2015, negotiations were in full swing during the Colombian peace process. The negotiators were discussing one of the most complex issues: the delicate question of transitional justice and who would be held accountable for the thousands of war crimes. After a complete deadlock, President Juan Manu...