PASO Colombia Launches #FeedPeace Campaign with Paramillo and Bay-Build Foundation

Feed peace in Colombia by supporting the efforts of former rebels and rural farmers. They have put aside 50 years of war, and are pursuing sustainable peace by producing cheaper, healthier, and more accessible natural animal feed.

Feed peace in Colombia by supporting the efforts of former rebels and rural farmers. They have put aside 50 years of war, and are pursuing sustainable peace by producing cheaper, healthier, and more accessible natural animal feed. How can animal feed make a difference? It is very difficult for Colombian rural farmers to obtain a return on their product that is consistent with their enormous effort. The primary challenge is the high cost of industrial animal feed. Our natural feed facility will provide cheaper, healthier, and more accessible food for the raising of livestock. It will also do much more:

  • Create jobs along the entire natural feed production supply chain.
  • Decrease waste by using raw materials that used to be discarded.
  • Provide financial independence by cutting out third-party industrial feed suppliers.
  • Reduce production costs by being 35% cheaper than the price of industrial feed.
  • Spread the wealth by increasing the profitability of projects developed by other farming communities in the region.
  • Improve the health of animals, which normally feed on chemically treated feed.
  • Reduce our carbon footprint by eliminating the import of feed from distant locations.
  • Encourage collaboration by acting as a central node for local farmers and other nearby ex-combatant communities.
  • Provide a launchpad for other humanitarian and educational efforts in the area.
  • Change the paradigm by encouraging a legal alternative to illicit drug production.

Learn more about the campaign and donate to #FeedPeace today.