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Showing 480 items for OEF in the Media
December 05, 2018

Gira Agroecológica Con Participantes de ERA de Antioquia

30 participantes de las Escuelas Rurales Alternativas (ERA) de Mutatá, Dabeiba e Ituango en Antioquia viajaron al Valle del Cauca a realizar una gira agroecológica organizada por PASO Colombia y la Alianza Territorios Vivos que apoya la operación de las ERA en Antioquia.
December 04, 2018

Making a Business Case for Peace

This workshop series is designed to advance the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals by creating opportunities to do business around the world responsibly and contribute to lasting peace.
November 27, 2018

OEF Transitions Leadership to Enable Continued Growth

As One Earth Future looks to the end of 2018, it has begun to implement a leadership transition that will enable it to continue the growth and progress it has made over the last two years. Larry Sampler, formerly the President of OEF has transitioned to the role of Senior Fellow and Jon Bellish is n...
November 13, 2018

2018 Fisheries Conflict Symposium

Secure Fisheries hosted the second annual two-day Fisheries Conflict Symposium, which established interdisciplinary partnerships, increased understanding of global fisheries conflicts and their drivers, and generated ideas to proactively address fisheries conflicts
November 07, 2018

PASO Colombia en la Conferencia Build Peace

Este año PASO realizó el taller “Fortalecimiento de espacios de paz en Colombia con el uso de nuevas formas de organización y tecnología”, donde se discutió cómo diseñar asentamientos rurales en zonas afectadas por el conflicto armado en la ruralidad colombiana, para promover una paz sostenible, bie...
October 23, 2018

Peacebuilding M&E Solutions Forum

One Earth Future Foundation is co-sponsoring the inaugural Peacebuilding Solutions Forum on October 23, 2018 with The Peacebuilding Evaluation Consortium and the United States Institute of Peace in Washington, DC.
September 27, 2018

Ají Para La Paz

En la Escuela Rural Alternativa (ERA) de Miranda, Cauca, se han sembrado 20 mil plantas de ají con un potencial de producción de 25 mil kilos valorados en 64 millones de pesos.