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Showing 1217 items for OEF in the Media
December 03,2020

Governance for Territorial Peace

Through the persistent work done by the collectives of campesinos and reincorporated ex-combatants and with the support from PASO Colombia and this diverse partner network, the ERA of Miranda consolidated as a social process and as an exercise of knowledge appropriation and capacity strengthening fo...
December 03,2020

Gobernanza para la Paz Territorial

A partir del trabajo persistente de los colectivos de reincorporados y campesinos, el acompañamiento de PASO Colombia y el apoyo de esta diversa red de aliados, fue consolidándose la ERA de Miranda como un proceso social, de apropiación de conocimientos y de fortalecimiento de capacidades de los par...
November 11, 2020

Trump’s Post-Election Tactics Put Him in Unsavory Company

In a recent article for the New York Times, Pulitzer Prize winning writer Andrew Higgins examines how by refusing to accept the results of last week’s U.S. election and working to delegitimize the vote, President Trump is following a similar strategy to that of dictators.
November 01,2020


The experience of the Rural Alternative School (ERA) in Miranda is a space that combines the ideas of an Alternative School and a Diverse Farm. Its development as a productive and educational gathering point had to tackle —through practical project development— different challenges in order to achie...
November 01,2020


La experiencia de la Escuela Rural Alternativa (ERA) de Miranda se trata de un espacio que combina la idea de Escuela Alternativa y Finca Diversa. Su organización como un espacio de encuentro productivo y educativo tuvo que responder, en el desarrollo práctico de los proyectos, a distintos retos par...
October 30,2020

Resource Audio 6

“With the help of MM, we installed the coat rack, and we told them that it was meant for organizing bags, shoes, and shirts, but they continued to be messy. One day, I grabbed everything I found and put it in a sack, and at the time of departure, there were some of them who were confused and looking...
October 30,2020

Resource Audio 6

Con la ayuda de MM instalamos el perchero, y se les dijo que era para organizar bolsos, zapatos, camisas, pero ellos seguían en el desorden. Un día decidí coger todo lo que encontré y lo eché en un costal, a la hora de la salida había más de uno loco buscando sus pertenencias. Me reía porque había l...
October 30,2020

Resource Audio 5

“Once, when he was a commander, he went to my house and sat down in the doorway. He said he was going to lead an attack from there! And I was about six months pregnant! And I asked him, “Are you going to stay here?” And he said, “Yes.” So, I had to take my daughter and go out to the mountain, to loo...