Jean-Pierre Larroque
December 12, 2018

WIP! Case Studies

In partnership with Shuraako and Oxfam, Work in Progress! is a program offering tailored business development services (BDS) to selected medium and small sized enterprises (SME) that demonstrate strong potential for employing women and youth in Somaliland.
December 05, 2018

Agroecological Tour With Participants from ERA of Antioquia

30 participants from the Alternative Rural Schools (ERA) of Mutatá, Dabeiba and Ituango in Antioquia traveled to Valle del Cauca to carry out an agroecological tour organized by PASO Colombia and Alianza Territorios Vivos, which supports the operation of the ERA in Antioquia.
Kajia Hurlburt
April 02, 2018

SFF 2017 Outcome Report

Shuraako, in partnership with Secure Fisheries, and the Puntland Ministry of Fisheries hosted the Somalia Fisheries Forum (SFF) in Garowe on October 24-26, 2017. The SFF brought together around 600 attendees to discuss ways to strengthen coordination between the Somali federal government and the reg...
Frontier Markets, Sustainable Energy Africa
April 02, 2018

SIF 2017 Outcome Report

Shuraako, in partnership with the Somaliland Ministry of Trade and Investment, the Somaliland Ministry of Energy and Minerals, and the Somaliland Chamber of Commerce, hosted the Somaliland Investment Forum 2017 (SIF 2017) September 19–21, 2017.
Jean-Pierre Larroque
June 16, 2017

Somali AgriFood Fund Case Studies

These case studies highlight how four businesses in Somalia and Somaliland leveraged investments through the AgriFood Fund to increase production and efficiency.

Human Activities

Somali waters support a range of activities including domestic fishing, development projects, foreign fishing, and shipping. Small coastal fishing communities and large urban areas alike depend on coastal resources for food, transportation, goods, and global access. While each activity or resource c...

Human Activities

Somali waters support a range of activities from fishing to shipping. Small coastal fishing communities and large urban areas alike depend on coastal resources for food, transportation, goods, and global access.
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