"A Network for Peace and Security in Colombia," A New Partnership at UN75 Forum

PASO Colombia participated at UN75 Global Governance Forum and announced the partnership “A Network for Peace and Security in Colombia.”


During the UN75 World Governance Forum , held virtually between September 16 and 17, 2020, PASO Colombia announced " A Network for Peace and Security in Colombia ", a new alliance whose purpose is to promote inclusive rural development of peasant economies. , in the Colombian territories most affected by the conflict, the presence of armed groups and crops for illicit use. The alliance was presented by the director of PASO Colombia, Juan Fernando Lucio, during the Peace and Security alliances route, where various alliances from other organizations were also presented.

The route of Peace and Security alliances was directed by the Nobel Peace Prize winner and former president of Colombia, Juan Manuel Santos, who commented:

"These are the kind of initiatives that encourage me and the whole world to continue fighting for peace, security and other ideas that we need today in such difficult times."

About the Alliance

The Network for Peace and Security in Colombia will address the current challenges faced in the territories, such as the increase in violence, the murder of social leaders and the effects associated with COVID-19, and that invite investment in health, security food and the consolidation of local markets. Based on a new form of governance, which multiplies collective local intelligence, this alliance takes advantage of the assets of the territories, and generates synergies with existing programs and projects to scale them, transforming the beneficiaries into partners of the project, changing the dynamics of commercialization, impacting productivity, strengthening local governance networks and territorial organizations, empowering women and youth, building resilience to emergencies related to the presence of armed groups, and providing an appropriate response to the spread of COVID-19. This alliance integrates the collaborative efforts of organizations that include the University of Notre Dame, the Rockefeller Brothers Foundation, The International Youth Foundation, the United Nations Multidonor Fund for Sustaining Peace in Colombia, the Colombia in Peace Fund, the Organization of American States, the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, the Scaling Up Community of Practice and the One Earth Future Foundation with its PASO Colombia program.

Rural Inclusive Development - PASO's Concept note

This diagram has been designed using resources from Freepik.com

The work methodology of this alliance is based on the participation of rural communities as partners in their own development, agreeing with them Territorial Work Plans that integrate actions for sustainable production, the creation of markets, the strengthening of productive infrastructures, and collective empowerment. Communities are paid for bringing this Work Plan to life, while learning new skills in the process. All this in a framework focused on the renewal of the social fabric, the protection of the environment and the empowerment of women.

Learn here the complete concept note of the alliance "PEACE AND SECURITY NETWORK IN COLOMBIA"

The UN 75 Global Governance Forum

The One Earth Future Foundation and a group of other institutions hosted the UN75 World Governance Forum , designed to facilitate discussion on critically important issues such as inclusive rural development, peacebuilding, human rights, climate change and gender equity. The Forum functioned as a virtual meeting space that brought together organizations from around the world to develop work proposals on these issues. It brought together various entities from civil society, the private sector, philanthropic organizations, academia and other institutions, to join the global conversation initiated by the United Nations in the framework of the commemoration of its 75 years. The objective of the Forum was to forge the design and implementation of strategies to address the increasingly complex problems that arise today and for the years to come.

Scalable alliances for the future we want

The UN75 World Governance Forum was organized around four thematic pillars: Peace and Security, Sustainable Development, Human Rights and Humanitarian Action, and Climate Governance. Through them, through plenary sessions and group work sessions, new forms of alliances were explored with multiple stakeholders interested in developing scalable and replicable proposals that contribute to fulfilling the official commitments of the UN 75 Intergovernmental Declaration.

Learn more about the Global Governance Forum and its results here.