Artisanal fishing on the Colombian Pacific coast plays a pivotal role in sustaining the livelihoods of a large number of families and their activity supplies the vast majority of fish on the national market. Nevertheless, the Colombian Pacific is one of the regions that has been most affected by drug trafficking routes, illegal armed groups, violence, and a lack of access to basic services. Therefore, a great way to support this region is by strengthening artisanal fishing techniques in local communities. The Rural Alternative School of Buenaventura, located in El Cacao hamlet (basin of the Mayorquín river), was established to meet this need and support the El Cacao Artisanal Fishermen’s Association (ASOPERCACAO).
19 peasants and 5 ex-combatants in the process of reincorporation (members of ASOPERCACAO) participate in the ERA. The objective is to diversify the types of animals being captured in order to reduce overexploitation of certain species, such as shallow-water shrimp. This way, they can also meet the country’s demand for fish, lower their dependence on imports, and increase the income levels of these artisanal fishing groups.
The ERA plans to establish a supply center to sell processed products and provide the tools and training needed to fish in open waters. In order to achieve these goals, the ERA is receiving support from the National Authority on Aquaculture and Fishing (AUNAP), the Agency for Reincorporation and Normalization (ARN), the World Food Program, the Valle Government, and the UN Verification Mission.