Rural Alternative School of Dagua, Valle del Cauca


The Rural Alternative School of Dagua, in Valle del Cauca, is a collaboration platform between campesinos (rural farmers) belonging to the Vida Sana Association, and ex-combatants in the process of reincorporation of the COOPAGROVALLE Cooperative. It has partners such as the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the Government of Valle del Cauca and the Mayor's Office of Dagua, who support the development of projects under the focus of food sustainability.

The Vida Sana Association brings together campesino families who are victims of the armed conflict, who have small plots and grow a diversity of products intended for their food sustainability and local commerce. This organization has promoted the production of vegetables under covers for almost a decade. The 22 ex-combatants, who arrived in the El Queremal village, added their work to implement a fish farming productive project that contributes to their economic reintegration process.

The Dagua ERA aims to strengthen the integration and productive development of campesinos and ex-combatants, through technical support and training applied to productive projects of fish farming, beekeeping and laying hen breeding.

The Rural Alternative School in Dagua ended its activities in August 2020.

Slideshow Slides
Reincorporated Dagua meeting