Industry Analysis: Fishing in Somaliland

The market for fish within Somaliland is expanding. Between 1,000 and 1,500 kilograms of fish are reportedly brought to Hargeisa, the capital of Somaliland, on a daily basis during high fishing season, and this supply does not satisfy the demand. Fish vendors constantly run out of fish well before the local markets close each day.

No town in Somaliland is located very far away from the coast. Despite this, many markets supplement the local catch by importing fish from Mogadishu and abroad. This additional fish supply arrives by plane, and are generally all in fillets, which demands a higher price. Nonetheless, they sell rapidly, and the demand remains. For example in Hargeisa, 50% of the daily fish supply is brought in from Mogadishu. If fishing supply chains were improved in Somaliland, this would increase profits in the region and better support market demand.