Shuraako News

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Shuraako News

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Showing 23 items for Shuraako News
April 24, 2020

Pandemic could fuel demand for 'diaspora bonds', says World Bank

In a recent article in Reuters, OEF Senior Researcher, Jay Benson spoke about the potential for increased demand for diaspora bonds, listing potential issuers with large diasporan populations as Ethiopia, Somalia, Kenya, Liberia and the Democratic Republic of Congo.
February 11, 2019

Diaspora Investment: Filling the Financing Gap in FCS Economies

Private sector development and economic growth are critical to the peacebuilding process in fragile and conflict-impacted states (FCS). In order to realize the potential of the private sector in these contexts, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) need access to capital.
February 11, 2019

Investing from Abroad

How can remittances sent home by diaspora communities be channeled into impactful investments in fragile and conflict-affected countries? A new OEF Research paper explores the possibilities.
August 01, 2018

New Fund Launched for Somali Startups

The fund has been launched by investment firm Norfund, One Earth Future’s Shuraako initiative and Danish development finance institution IFU, and aims to help Somali entrepreneurs build sustainable businesses, contribute to their country’s economy and tax base, and create a significant number of job...