Research reports and analysis

Programs & Projects
Peacebuilding Area
Victor Odundo Owuor
Dianna E. Almanza
December 20, 2019

Is Blockchain an Answer to Enterprise Development in Fragile States?

In an increasingly networked and digital world in which millions of transactions are recorded daily, the potential of data tampering in centralized ledgers that are the primary depository of these records can not be overemphasized. To partially confront this challenge, distributed ledger technologie...
Conor Seyle
Jinghong Wang
November 25, 2019

Private Sector Peacebuilding: A Review of Past Cases and Lessons Learned

This report reviews a dozen case studies of business engagement in peacebuilding across a variety of private sector actors, strategies, and time. It was developed as a partnership with UN Peacebuilding Support Office and PeaceNexus Foundation with engagement from the UN Global Compact, and is intend...
Erica Chenoweth
October 30, 2019

Women’s Participation and The Fate Of Nonviolent Campaigns

This research examines the effects of women’s representation in resistance movements on their choice of strategies and movement effectiveness. The Women in Resistance (WiRe) data set is the first attempt to assess resistance movements on the degree to which they incorporate women into their politica...
Paige M. Roberts
Laura C. Burroughs
Ahmed-Yasin Osman Moge
October 10, 2019

The Potential for Fisheries Co-Management in the Somali Region

The Somalia Fisheries Forum 2019 in Garowe convened fisheries stakeholders to design a roadmap for successful small-scale fisheries in the region. As part of the forum, participants discussed the potential for cooperative management (co-management) to be implemented in Somali coastal communities. Co...
Federal Government of Somalia Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources
Puntland Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources
Secure Fisheries
September 24, 2019

Somali Fisheries Forum 2019 Outcome Report

This report includes highlights from the second Somalia Fisheries Forum, its reception from attendees and media, and key findings and recommendations from each of the sessions.