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Showing 482 items for OEF in the Media
Marzo 08, 2021

Perspectives on Peace | Celebrating Women’s History Month

It is well documented, today, that women’s empowerment and gender equality are critical to achieving peace and stability around the world. The full and meaningful leadership, empowerment, and protection of women is essential to resolving deadly conflict and building stable, prosperous, and just post...
Marzo 03, 2021

70 Participants Graduate from Fisher Field School

Graduates demonstrated the knowledge and skills they gained in fish capture, boat repair, and post-harvest processing to the Deputy Minister of Livestock and Fishery Development, other government officers, and key stakeholders.
Febrero 01, 2021

Recognizing a Few Influential Peacebuilders this Black History Month

In our mission to create an Earth beyond war and establish sustainable peace, we’re taking a moment to acknowledge a few of the many influential and empowering peacebuilders of the black community who have left an everlasting impact on the path towards a peaceful humanity. 
Jon Bellish
Diciembre 30, 2020

Peace on Earth: A Holiday Message & Year-In-Review From OEF

From all of us at OEF, we are wishing you a wonderful holiday season and a happy new year. Join us in remaining mindful of the long road ahead, but hopeful for creating a better 2021. As we look to the new year and work toward the long-term goal of an earth beyond war, we’d like to share a few of th...
Diciembre 15, 2020

Open call – Alternative Rural School of Communication in Mutatá

The new Alternative Rural School of Communication in Mutatá, Antioquia, opens a call for people who are currently developing a productive project in the COOFORTUNA, COOEMPRENDER cooperatives, or who belong to the community of San José de León. Registration open until December 31, 2020.