The Somali AgriFood Fund, a partnership between IFAD, Shuraako, and BiD Network, offers entrepreneurs access to financial capital. The Fund drives diaspora investments into Somali agriculture and rural businesses and matches investment with seed capital.
These case studies highlight how four Somali businesses leveraged investments through the AgriFood Fund to increase production and efficiency. Whether through investing in modern technologies like drip irrigation and solar pump systems, or taking the opportunity to hire new staff and purchase needed equipment, these businesses show how they have maximized investments they've received through the Fund.
“Having that investment kind of opened up the window for us to help other individuals, to provide a livelihood for these people, to help people learn about farming, to have a passion about farming, and to find a way to be self-sustaining. In this part of the world, investment is extremely hard to come by.”
- Fowsi Deep, Ray’s Farm Manager