Rural Alternative School of Manaure, Cesar

The Rural Alternative School of Manaure is located in the department of Cesar, near the Perijá Mountain Range (considered the last stretch of the Andes Mountain Range in Colombia).

Rural Alternative School of Mutatá, Antioquia

The Rural Alternative School (ERA) of Mutatá supports the neighboring communities of the NAR of San José de León and the peace signatories that make up the ETCR Román Ruiz, who arrived displaced from Ituango.

Rural Alternative School of Ituango, in Antioquia

The Rural Alternative School of Ituango, in Antioquia, is located in an area that has been affected by armed conflict and illegal economies. Since the Peace Deal was signed, the region has been working to change the daily dynamics of commerce, production and social relationships.

Rural Alternative School of Tuluá, Valle

The Rural Alternative School of Tuluá, Valle is the result of the work of 33campesina families and 33 ex-combatants that decided to work together to develop the region’s agriculture.

Rural Alternative School of Buenos Aires, Cauca

The Rural Alternative School of Buenos Aires, Cauca, supports ex-combatants of the Ecomún La Esperanza Cooperative (CECOESPE) in the development of their coffee and agro-ecological vocation.

Rural Alternative School of Miranda, Cauca

The Rural Alternative School of Miranda is located in northern Cauca and was the first ERA developed by PASO Colombia. It currently has 63 participants between ex-combatants and campesinos (rural farmers)

Rural Alternative School of Dagua, Valle del Cauca

The Rural Alternative School of Dagua, in Valle del Cauca, is a collaboration platform between campesinos belonging to the Vida Sana Association, and ex-combatants in the process of reincorporation of the COOPAGROVALLE Cooperative.

Rural Alternative School of Anorí, Antioquia

In the mountains of Anorí, Antioquia, a community of ex-combatants forges its reincorporation path with support from the ERA. Through the brand Miel y Esencias de la Montaña, the cooperative COOMULDESNA has incorporated tropical forest preservation and the protection of the surrounding biogeographic...
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