Learn about the experience of the graduate students of the Meyer Business on the Frontlines program, from the University of Notre Dame, who visited productive projects accompanied by PASO Colombia in Guaviare and La Guajira.
The partnership between PASO Colombia and the University of Notre Dame has resulted in graduate students visiting the country to learn firsthand about environmental and social sustainability initiatives. Students in the REEL (Regenerative Ecologies and Economies for Livelihoods) course learned about the Guaviare Peace Network, which is made up of coca farmer cooperatives focused on developing alternative agriculture. Likewise, a second group shared with the COOMPAZCOL cooperative and its work of reincorporation with the Rural Alternative School of Fonseca, La Guajira.
The tour of various villages and productive units helped the students understand the importance of the link between economic success and environmental sustainability in communities affected by decades of conflict. This approach developed by PASO Colombia in its projects is echoed in the university's REEL course, which allows this interdisciplinary group to apply their knowledge in real-world contexts, demonstrating the positive impact of partnerships on territorial development.
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