Dr. Sarah Glaser, Associate Director of Secure Fisheries, was invited to present One Earth Future’s Stable Seas Maritime Security Index to the conference. She highlighted the key links between fisheries, blue economic growth, and maritime security.
“Our research shows those countries in sub-Saharan Africa with the strongest domestic fisheries laws, lowest levels of foreign fishing, and highest measures of rule of law also have the healthiest fisheries. These issues go hand-in-hand,” said Dr. Glaser.
The lack of relevant national laws – for example, those defining piracy as a crime – mean at-sea interdictions rarely translate into prosecutions. But African military experts and policy makers are tackling evolving threats to maritime security. This includes new national security strategies, training of legal and judicial professionals, and information sharing between branches of the military, intelligence agencies, and other nations.
Additional information and event coverage:
Enhancing Maritime Security
Africa Develops Solutions for Maritime Security
Maritime Security is an International Priority