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Showing 783 items for OEF in the Media
Septiembre 02, 2020

Somali Women Netting a Profit

Nets are crucial to fishing - so training and promoting women in net-making and mending in local fishing communities. Secure Fisheries follows up with two women who attended a net-making workshop in Bander Beyla.
Agosto 18, 2020

Hoggaaminta Xog Ururin Kalluumaysi oo Soomaaliya Anficidoonta Mustaqbalka

Siddeed iyo toban qof oo Soomaali ah, oo isugu jira shaqaale Wasaaradaha Kalluumaysiga (heer Federaal iyo heer Dowlad Gobboleed) iyo xog ururiyayaal iyaga la shaqeeya, ayaa hoggaaminaya mashruuc xog ururin ah oo kalluumeysiga ah - waana kii ugu horreeyay ee noociisa ah tan iyo dagaalkii sokeeye ee w...
Julio 10, 2020

UN75 Global Governance Forum - Join the Conversation!

Register now to participate in this week’s global conversation on the critical role of international cooperation in addressing the world’s increasingly complex problems. The UN75 Global Governance Forum aims to support the United Nations in effectively navigating challenges in the years ahead throug...