"Even a Small Nuclear Test by North Korea Would Be a Big US Worry" by Jon Herskovitz and Sangmi Cha for Bloomberg

ONN senior analyst Katsuhisa Furukawa shared his assumptions on DPRK's development of nuclear weapons.

"The DPRK clearly deems nuclear tests essential to be confident of its own nuclear weapons capability," said Katsuhisa Furukawa, a senior analyst for the Open Nuclear Network, referring to North Korea by its formal name. "It would be reasonable to assume that the DPRK has considerably advanced its capability to develop miniaturized nuclear warheads."


"Furukawa, who served on a United Nations panel of experts that monitored sanctions on North Korea, and other experts will be paying close attention whether the regime's next test is at the site's Tunnel No. 3. That is considered the likely place to detonate a low-yield warhead for a tactical weapon."