1,900 Peace Initiatives in Colombia

1900 Peace Initiatives in Colombia

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Analysis and characterization of peace initiatives from civil society in Colombia (1985-2016)

Date: July, 2017

Senior researcher: Angelika Rettberg under the direction and financing of PASO Colombia
Authors of the national report: Angelika Rettberg y Rafael Camilo Quispe
Authors of the regional report: Angelika Rettberg y Maria Antonia Arias

Overview: This study, by the University of the Andes and PASO Colombia, is the most comprehensive analysis of peace initiatives in civil society in Colombia. Analyzing nearly 4,000 sources of information from social organizations, the press, the public sector, and academia from 1985 to 2016, the study identifies more than 1,900 peace initiatives. It was designed to shed light on how grassroots peace initiatives are created, their distinctive characteristics, and the factors which make them successful.

This study is of extreme importance for the current peace process in Colombia because, as the study points out, “the stability and progress of the country post-conflict will depend on the capacity of civil society to articulate their demands and proposals around the different national and regional projects.” With the information this study provides, those who participate in citizens' initiatives, as well as the state and the rest of civil society, can learn from the experience, identify relevant partners, and replicate good practices.

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National Report

Regional Report: Cali - Buenaventura


Press Release and Brief Summary

Media Links:
El País. Principal períodico del Valle del Cauca
Noti5 de Telepacífico, Canal Regional Público
Pazífico Noticias. Noticiero local (ver minuto 11)